
Laravel 8 will be released on September 8th!

Laravel 8 will be released on September 8th!

The Laravel team just announced that they are planning to release Laravel 8 on September 8th, and they are expecting the upgrade time to be about 10-15 minutes from Laravel 7.x.

Since Laravel 6, the framework has switched to semantic versioning and follows a designated release process. This means that every 6 months is a new first number release (6.0, 7.0, 8.0, etc), and in between is patch releases.

Laravel 6 Is Now Released

Laravel 6 Is Now Released

The Laravel team is proud to announce the release of Laravel 6 and it’s now available to everyone. This release marks the start of the Laravel framework (laravel/framework) using Semantic Versioning. Also, this release includes compatibility with Laravel Vapor, improved authorization responses, job middleware, lazy collections, sub-query improvements, among many other improvements.

Here are some of the new features included in Laravel 6:

Job Middleware is Coming to Laravel 6

Taylor Otwell added the ability to have job-specific middleware for queued jobs in Laravel 6:

This [pull request] adds an easy way to have job specific middleware for queued jobs. Global job middleware were actually already possible by calling Bus::pipeThrough([]) in a service provider during the application boot process…These middleware provide a convenient location to wrap jobs in some logic before they are executed.