PHP 8.1 Feature Work Includes Adding Enums, Fsync Function

PHP 8.1 Feature Work Includes Adding Enums, Fsync Function

While most haven't even moved to PHP 8.0 yet in their Linux distribution default packages let alone in production environments, PHP 8.1 is under development and like clockwork should be out around the end of November as usual for their yearly release dance. In two months already the PHP 8.1 alpha releases should start up.


Official PHP Git server targeted in attempt to bury malware in code base

Official PHP Git server targeted in attempt to bury malware in code base

The official PHP Git server has been compromised in a potential attempt to plant malware in the code base of the PHP project. 

On Sunday, PHP programming language developer and maintainer Nikita Popov said that two malicious commits were added to the php-src repository in both his name and that of PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf. 

The malicious commits, which appeared to be signed off under the names of Popov and Lerdorf (1,2), were masked as simple typographical errors that needed to be resolved. 


Laravel 8 will be released on September 8th!

Laravel 8 will be released on September 8th!

The Laravel team just announced that they are planning to release Laravel 8 on September 8th, and they are expecting the upgrade time to be about 10-15 minutes from Laravel 7.x.

Since Laravel 6, the framework has switched to semantic versioning and follows a designated release process. This means that every 6 months is a new first number release (6.0, 7.0, 8.0, etc), and in between is patch releases.



Unless you have been living under a rock, or are from the past (in which case, welcome), you will be aware that a JIT is coming to PHP 8: The vote ended, quietly, today, with a vast majority in favour of merging into PHP 8, so, it's official.

Throw some crazy shapes in celebration, suggestion given in Fig 1, and it's even called "The (Detroit) JIT" ...
