Linus Torvalds went six days without electricity, swears smaller 5.12 kernel is co-incidental

Linus Torvalds went six days without electricity, swears smaller 5.12 kernel is co-incidental

Linux overlord Linus Torvalds has revealed that inclement weather in the USA meant he recently endured six electricity-free days in his Portland, Oregon, home during which he was unable to tend to the kernel. As a result he therefore pondered adding an extra week to the merge window for version 5.12 of the Linux kernel.



Three Squirrels





但章燎原的好心情被资本圈提前浇了一盆冷水。1月29日,三只松鼠第二大股东NICE GROWTH LIMITED及第四大股东GAO ZHENG CAPITAL LIMITED宣布减持公司股份约1250万股,减持股份占公司总股比为3.12%。


大股东减持对章燎原来说并非新鲜事。自2020年9月开始,分别隶属于IDG和今日资本的NICE GROWTH LIMITED、LT GROWTH INVESTMENT IX(HK)LIMITED等三只松鼠股东已经通过连续减持累计套现近10亿元。随之而来的是三只松鼠股价的暴跌,在2020年5月达到91.59元的历史高点后,到2020年12月底三只松鼠股价腰斩、市值缩水一半。


TikTok Plans to Take Trump’s Arse to Court Over Ban: Report

TikTok Plans to Take Trump’s Arse to Court Over Ban: Report

TikTok will file a federal lawsuit against the Trump administration as soon as Tuesday to dispute the president’s recent executive order banning the widely popular video-sharing app over national security concerns, a person directly involved in the suit told NPR under the condition of anonymity.

Laravel 8 will be released on September 8th!

Laravel 8 will be released on September 8th!

The Laravel team just announced that they are planning to release Laravel 8 on September 8th, and they are expecting the upgrade time to be about 10-15 minutes from Laravel 7.x.

Since Laravel 6, the framework has switched to semantic versioning and follows a designated release process. This means that every 6 months is a new first number release (6.0, 7.0, 8.0, etc), and in between is patch releases.

张一鸣内部信:不放弃探索任何可能性 正与一家科技公司讨论方案

张一鸣内部信:不放弃探索任何可能性 正与一家科技公司讨论方案

新浪科技讯 8月3日下午消息,字节跳动创始人张一鸣发送公司全员信,回应了TikTok美国业务面临被CFIUS(美国外资投资委员会)强制要求出售的问题。全员信回溯了近一年来TikTok在北美的遭遇,坦承还没有完全决定最后的解决方案。全员信提到,下一步的解决方案会考虑用户、团队、公司三个因素,并对TikTok的未来充满信心。





Microsoft in talks with Trump about TikTok deal

Microsoft in talks with Trump about TikTok deal

Microsoft says it is still discussing a potential purchase of TikTok, days after President Donald Trump said he would ban the popular short-form video app from operating in the United States.

In a blog post Sunday (local time), Microsoft said its CEO Satya Nadella has talked with Trump about buying the app, which is owned by Chinese start-up ByteDance.

US policymakers have for weeks expressed concerns about the app as tensions between the United States and China escalate, with many asserting that it could pose a national security risk.

DevOps Best Practices

DevOps Best Practices

Traditional IT had two separate teams in any organization – the development team and the operations team. The development team works on the software, developing and releasing it after ensuring that the code works perfectly. The Operations team works on deployment, load balancing, and release management to make SaaS live. 


Best 14 CI/CD Tools You Must Know | Updated for 2020

Best 14 CI/CD Tools You Must Know | Updated for 2020

“Quality at Speed” is the new norm in software development.

Enterprises are making their moves toward DevOps methodologies and Agile culture to accelerate the delivery speed and ensure product quality. In DevOps, a continuous and automated delivery cycle is the backbone that makes fast and reliable delivery possible.
