Kubernetes Storage Developments Enable Remote Work


As many of us come into our third month of working at home, we have become ever more dependent on technology for keeping in touch and continue working using cloud-based applications and tools.  Many of these cloud-based applications run in software-defined containers in large data centers.  Kubernetes is a popular open source software platform for managing and “orchestrating” these containers. 



Unless you have been living under a rock, or are from the past (in which case, welcome), you will be aware that a JIT is coming to PHP 8: The vote ended, quietly, today, with a vast majority in favour of merging into PHP 8, so, it's official.

Throw some crazy shapes in celebration, suggestion given in Fig 1, and it's even called "The (Detroit) JIT" ...


Laravel 6 Is Now Released

Laravel 6 Is Now Released

The Laravel team is proud to announce the release of Laravel 6 and it’s now available to everyone. This release marks the start of the Laravel framework (laravel/framework) using Semantic Versioning. Also, this release includes compatibility with Laravel Vapor, improved authorization responses, job middleware, lazy collections, sub-query improvements, among many other improvements.

Here are some of the new features included in Laravel 6:

Job Middleware is Coming to Laravel 6

Taylor Otwell added the ability to have job-specific middleware for queued jobs in Laravel 6:

This [pull request] adds an easy way to have job specific middleware for queued jobs. Global job middleware were actually already possible by calling Bus::pipeThrough([]) in a service provider during the application boot process…These middleware provide a convenient location to wrap jobs in some logic before they are executed.

Huawei reveals HarmonyOS, its alternative to Android

Huawei reveals HarmonyOS, its alternative to Android

Huawei's long-rumored Android alternative, Hongmeng, is finally official. At today's Huawei Developer Conference, the company's Consumer Business Group CEO Richard Yu surprised the audience by unveiling "HarmonyOS," which he says is faster and safer than Android. That said, the software is primarily aimed at IoT products (such as smart displays, wearables, smart speakers and in-car devices) instead of smartphones.